Chemical Peels: What You Need to Know

Its fall, and a lot of us are looking for ways to refresh our skin for the holidays.  Chemical peels were some of the original cosmetic facial treatments invented by the ancient Egyptian aristocracy, and are still some of our favorite procedures to help brighten-up our complexions!

A chemical peel is a treatment used to enhance the look and feel of the skin on the face, neck, chest. The new skin that surfaces from beneath is softer, smoother and more brilliant, with more even tone, texture and pigmentation.  Today, we use chemical peels for a variety of cosmetic and medical concerns: to reduce brown spots, improve texture, improve melasma, to treat some types of acne, to increase collage production, encourage healthy cell rejuvenation, and to reduce fine lines.

The chemical peel offered at Susan H Weinkle, MD’s office is a trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peel, which varies in strength, depending on personal need.  We recommend taking a Tylenol or Advil prior to getting your peel as this will help with minor discomfort.  You can expect to have about 7 days of downtime, meaning you will be peeling and should not go in the sun.  After the peel, when you leave our office, you should wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun.

Consultations are imperative when making any decision for your skin, especially for chemical peels. Talk with Dr. Weinkle about your exact goals. Chemical peels are advantageous for most skin types and many people are perfect candidates for it.  Do your research and educate yourself on chemical peels prior to committing to an appointment. Ask questions. That is why we are here!  Call us at (941) 794-5432 to schedule a consultation today. 

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